Vine 2024
According to the Celtic Tree Calendar, the period from July 11 - August 7 is associated with Vine.
All types of brambles and vines are represented this month, but for the purpose of writing about symbolic meaning, I'm focusing on fruit-bearing grapevines. These not only give us delicious grapes, but reveal a lot about our needs for the right growing conditions.
Generally speaking, grapevines need a climate that doesn't get colder than -30F/-34.4C, but this can vary slightly depending on the type of grape. All grapevines require full sun, well-drained soil, careful pruning, and support to train the vine such as a fence, trellis, or arbor. It's worth mentioning that grapevines with the proper support, pruning, and climate conditions usually grow rapidly in the first year, but it can take three or four years for the vines to bear fruit. It can be similar with humans: we need time and the right conditions to grow, to adjust (prune) as needed, and we need support along the way.
In Greek, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Roman, and ancient Egyptian mythology, there are numerous goddesses associated with grapes, wine, and vines. The priestesses of Dionysus are often portrayed with grapes and wine, representing fertility, celebration, and abundance to excess. These ancient associations with grapes and grapevines were incorporated into later religions such as Christianity. Many modern pagans and witches still adorn our front doors with grapevine wreaths, make homemade jams and wines, and use grapevine in sacred rituals such as for a wedding, handfasting, baby shower, and blessing way.
The message that feels most crucial is that like the grapevine, we need to give ourselves grace to take time to grow and not expect to get everything perfect when we're starting out. We need to care for ourselves with the right amount of rest, hydration, and sun. We need to be flexible and willing to learn from those more experienced at the path we're on. And lastly, part of this selfcare includes regular check-ins with our support system and our progress so that we can trim any areas that we've outgrown so that we do not become root bound or stunted. If you've ever seen wild grapevines, you'll notice that they're not too fussy as long as they can find something to hang onto where they can soak up the sun and rain. The vine seems to always find its way, and so will your heart.
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Windy City Witch: Cancer
Windy City Witch: Leo
Windy City Witch: Summer
Windy City Witch: Lammas
Author of The Recollection of Trees book series. Fifth generation intuitive. Kitchen witch. she/her.