Imbolc: Spring is Near

By S.F. Skyheart - February 1, 2024
Imbolc: Spring is Near

The Celtic month of Willow, January 24- February 20, includes the fire festival of Imbolc on February 1-2.

Imbolc honors the triple fire goddess Brighid and marks the halfway point between Yule (winter solstice) and Ostara (spring equinox), for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.

Brighid is the goddess of healing, creativity, fertility, poetry, and smith craft. She is linked with all birds of prey, the wolf, and the swan. Her talismans include the scrying mirror, the spinning wheel, and the cauldron of rebirth.

Imbolc is also known as Candlemas, which comes from the practice of lighting candles and bonfires to celebrate the sun and the dawn of Spring.

A Celtic tradition involves a wreath on a table to represent the Wheel of the Year, with five candles in it to symbolize earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.

Modern day observances include candle lighting, “spring cleaning” projects, and planting seeds indoors for transplanting after the spring equinox. 

A beautiful cleansing ritual involves lighting a white candle outside the front entrance of your home, then opening the door, and walking the candle through the house to “welcome the light,” followed by sweeping all the floors and shaking out the rugs. 

Do what lights you up,

See also: 

Willow January 24-February 20
Aquarius 2024

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