By S.F. Skyheart - July 22, 2024
Happy Birthday Leos!Leos are known for their big dramatic hearts, and for bringing light (or the spotlight) whenever they enter a space.LEO SUN: Your life purpose is to bring fiery passion and radiant joy to the world. You’re natural at performing and acting, with an innate quality that draws friends and fans. Your warmth, creativity, and playfulness make you an excellent party guest or team leader at work, as long as you keep drama minimized. Take care to share credit with others and to allow them to have their time in the spotlight as well. When it comes to following ...
By S.F. Skyheart - July 21, 2024
July's full moon is in Capricorn, exact today at 5:17 AM CT. It’s a good day for thoughtfully taking on a leadership role and for finishing what you started at the last full moon (which was also in Capricorn) or something that began up to six months ago. Depending on how this full moon influences our individual energies, we may be feeling serious and cautious, but don't allow that to hinder you from taking action. Weigh your options and then take the first (or last) step to finish that milestone.We may also see a recurrence of some things that appeared ...
By S.F. Skyheart - July 11, 2024
According to the Celtic Tree Calendar, the period from July 11 - August 7 is associated with Vine.All types of brambles and vines are represented this month, but for the purpose of writing about symbolic meaning, I'm focusing on fruit-bearing grapevines. These not only give us delicious grapes, but reveal a lot about our needs for the right growing conditions.Generally speaking, grapevines need a climate that doesn't get colder than -30F/-34.4C, but this can vary slightly depending on the type of grape. All grapevines require full sun, well-drained soil, careful pruning, and support to train the vine such as a ...
By S.F. Skyheart - July 11, 2024
The names of the Celtic tree months come from some of the letters of the Ogham. The Ogham is an ancient alphabet believed to have originated in the 4th century (possibly as early as the 1st) in what is now the southwest region of Ireland. The Celtic month of Vine, July 11 - August 7, is associated with:Ogham: Muin – (muhn) represents the clan, support system, or community. It is symbolic of harvest, fruits of labor, gratitude, celebration, and abundance. It also correlates with prophecy and sacred birth.The energy of Muin is prophetic intuition from a deep inner knowing. It is also related ...
By S.F. Skyheart - July 11, 2024
Each of the Celtic trees correlates with a Rune. Runes are a twenty-four letter alphabet, originating with Germanic tribes as early as the 2nd century. Runic glyphs were carved or etched into bone, wood, leather, jewelry, tools, weapons, and stone. Norse and Viking runic artifacts dating as far back as the 9th century have been found in several Northern European and Scandinavian countries, Russia, Turkey and North America. Notably, runes found in Canada and the United States pre-date Columbus by several hundred years, so he was definitely not the first visitor.The Celtic month of Vine, July 11 - August 7, ...
By S.F. Skyheart - July 11, 2024
Each of the Celtic trees correlates with an animal symbol. The Celtic month of Vine, July 11 - August 7, is associated with: Animal: Lion This Celtic Tree month is associated with the Strength card in the tarot deck, which traditionally depicts a person holding the jaw of a Lion. It is often interpreted as someone who is gently and compassionately persuasive in a situation involving strong wills, or a situation that calls for calm, clear communication. The Ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet was depicted with a lion head or lion's face. She was the goddess of war who destroyed the ...
By S.F. Skyheart - July 11, 2024
Each of the Celtic trees correlates with a crystal or stone. The Celtic month of Vine, July 11 - August 7, is associated with: Stone: Emerald Emerald aids unconditional love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, compassion, healing, clarity of thought, and abundance. It magnifies the ability to be present and content with "what is," which leads to more overall enjoyment of life. It vibrates to the number four and pairs well with the energies of Gemini, Aries, and Taurus. In the classic Wizard of Oz story, the protagonist Dorothy meets several characters--the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion--on her journey to the Emerald ...
By S.F. Skyheart - July 5, 2024
July's new moon is in Cancer, exact today at 5:58 PM CT. Today's energies align with beginning a new self-care routine, daily sacred ritual, or simply trying a new recipe. It can also be supportive of checking things off of your to do list if you've been putting off taking important actions since the last new moon. Set intentions to manifest desires, and resist the urge to delay action. Take one or two (or three) steps today to get the energy moving. This isn't a time for big announcements, but to quietly nurture your dreams and desires, keeping them close to your ...
By S.F. Skyheart - June 21, 2024
June's full moon is in Capricorn, exact today at 8:08 PM CT.  Use the power of this moon to boost the hard work you've put in over the last six months. Tackle any current obstacles now to be rid of them once and for all.When the moon is in Capricorn, we may feel more focused on plans and ambitions, and a bit more driven to see them through to the end. Take advantage of this burst of energy, but be sure to take breaks and to rest so you don't become overwhelmed or frustrated. This is one of the most ...
By S.F. Skyheart - June 20, 2024
Happy Birthday, Cancer friends! Cancer friends are known for their healing energy, welcoming homes, sensitive empathy, and warm humor.CANCER SUN: Your life purpose is to form strong emotional bonds with others. The love felt at home and within family and/or chosen family are the most important. Your sensitivity can sometimes be hidden from others when you first meet, but once you get to know one another, you're a source of strength, intuition, empathy, and deep love. Your default is kindness and compassion, and you're among the first to protect those you love and anyone who is vulnerable in society. Your friends ...

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