Leo 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - July 22, 2024
Leo 2024
Happy Birthday Leos!Leos are known for their big dramatic hearts, and for bringing light (or the spotlight) whenever they enter a space.LEO SUN: Your life purpose is to bring fiery passion and radiant joy to the world. You’re natural at performing and acting, with an innate quality that draws friends and fans. Your warmth, creativity, and playfulness make you an excellent party guest or team leader at work, as long ...
Buck Moon: July 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - July 21, 2024
Buck Moon: July 2024
July's full moon is in Capricorn, exact today at 5:17 AM CT. It’s a good day for thoughtfully taking on a leadership role and for finishing what you started at the last full moon (which was also in Capricorn) or something that began up to six months ago. Depending on how this full moon influences our individual energies, we may be feeling serious and cautious, but don't allow that to ...
July New Moon 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - July 5, 2024
July New Moon 2024
July's new moon is in Cancer, exact today at 5:58 PM CT. Today's energies align with beginning a new self-care routine, daily sacred ritual, or simply trying a new recipe. It can also be supportive of checking things off of your to do list if you've been putting off taking important actions since the last new moon. Set intentions to manifest desires, and resist the urge to delay action. Take one or ...
Strawberry Moon: June 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - June 21, 2024
Strawberry Moon: June 2024
June's full moon is in Capricorn, exact today at 8:08 PM CT.  Use the power of this moon to boost the hard work you've put in over the last six months. Tackle any current obstacles now to be rid of them once and for all.When the moon is in Capricorn, we may feel more focused on plans and ambitions, and a bit more driven to see them through to the ...
Cancer 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - June 20, 2024
Cancer 2024
Happy Birthday, Cancer friends! Cancer friends are known for their healing energy, welcoming homes, sensitive empathy, and warm humor.CANCER SUN: Your life purpose is to form strong emotional bonds with others. The love felt at home and within family and/or chosen family are the most important. Your sensitivity can sometimes be hidden from others when you first meet, but once you get to know one another, you're a source of strength, ...
Midsummer 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - June 20, 2024
Midsummer 2024
Hooray! It's officially summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Midsummer, or Litha, the beautiful, magickal summer solstice, marks the longest day of the year, and the shortest night. In Celtic and Norse lore, the summer solstice marks the clash between the Oak King and the Holly King, who represent the waxing and waning seasons and cycles of nature. According to legend, the Holly King defeats his brother the Oak King on this ...
June New Moon
By S.F. Skyheart - June 6, 2024
June New Moon
June's new moon is in Gemini, exact today at 7:38 AM CT. Have fun with today's energy by taking a look at big picture plans and ideas. Give yourself permission to think big... then think bigger. What's the ultimate dream goal, that feels nearly impossible? Now is the time to brainstorm that "impossible dream" without getting too analytical or bogged down in the details. Create a vision board or write an ...
Flower Moon: May 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - May 23, 2024
Flower Moon: May 2024
The full moon of May is in Sagittarius, exact today at 8:53 AM CT. When the moon is full in Sagittarius, it acts as a spotlight of hope, positivity, and optimism. Flower moon is a time for focusing on adventure, and setting new goals. It's a wonderful time to plan a trip or to seek new experiences in food, music, or local cultural events open to the public.When the late ...
Gemini 2024
By S.F. Skyheart - May 21, 2024
Gemini 2024
Happy Birthday, Gemini friends! Geminis are known for being curious, witty, and strong communicators. They may enjoy researching many spiritual paths and belief systems, both to gain insight into themselves and the world around them. GEMINI SUN: If you have a Gemini sun, your life lesson is about clear and kind communication, especially thinking before speaking and not getting pulled into gossip. Intelligent and innately curious, Gemini sun loves to learn and ...
May New Moon
By S.F. Skyheart - May 7, 2024
May New Moon
May's new moon is in Taurus, exact today at 10:22 PM CT. The Taurus new moon supports intentions, goals, and aspirations that manifest tangibly, especially for finances. It's an opportunity for evaluating and organizing your budget, and for calling in a new income source. Above all, the new moon in Taurus brings clarity about anything and everything you're attracting into your life so that you can make choices that are in ...

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