
By S.F. Skyheart - September 5, 2024

Each of the Celtic trees correlates with an animal symbol. The Celtic month of Blackthorn, September 5 - October 2, is associated with:

Animal: Vulture

According to The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck, the vulture is a guardian and purifier, essential for rebalance. It is perhaps the most misunderstood creature of all. This intriguing bird balances our ecosystem and prevents the spread of disease. It does the dirty work that no one else wants to do, and cleans up our messes. The vulture appears when there's a situation that needs to be purified or brought back into balance. Remember, the vulture is greatly undervalued. What you thought was a mistake or a tragedy is a blessing in disguise. When vulture energy is in balance it clarifies and reveals wisdom. When it is out of balance we feel dramatic and possibly aggressive. To bring it into balance, clean your space and sage.

In the Ted Andrews' Animal Wise tarot, vulture correlates to the Tower card, which is about death, rebirth, and new vision. The vulture is a misunderstood animal. The vulture is nature's garbage collector, cleaning up the dead, helping to eliminate problems with disease. But it is also one of the more powerful and gentle animals of rebirth and healing. The vulture teaches us the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, helping us to see the process at work in our lives. No matter how events and situations may appear, the vulture reminds us it will ultimately work out to own health and benefit, helping us to see more clearly. It is a signal to trust the process. Vulture helps us trust the promise and fulfillment of life and growth. Change may be sudden, but we will be better for it. (Just like the tower card.) Similar to Owl, Vulture has highly developed eyesight and hearing to be able to soar above and detect its prey. It reminds us that although change is inevitable, if we release the past and rely on our heightened intuitive senses and heart to guide us, we will experience healing and purification of that which no longer serves us.

Since both Reed and Blackthorn share this period, it is interesting to note how many of their correlating symbols are about facing adversity head on, setting clear boundaries, and most importantly, finding the positive in the challenge, the thing that is meant to help us grow and not keep repeating old patterns and situations.

Do what lights you up,

Please note: Some people start the tree calendar with Birch in January, which follows the solar calendar. However, I learned them in an older tradition, which aligns with the 13-month lunar calendar. It's up to you to discern what feels right for you, of course.

See also: 

Virgo 2024
Libra 2024
Reed September 5 – October 2
Blackthorn September 5 – October 2
Blackthorn: Straif
Blackthorn: Algiz
Blackthorn: Tiger’s Eye
Celtic Tree Months

My blog is meant for inspirational and entertainment purposes only. 

Content is intended to be welcoming and respectful of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or spiritual beliefs. 

I do not consent to or approve of the misuse of my content in association with white supremacy, racial elitism, nationalism, or any other form of extremism. Any such ignorance has nothing to do with my ancestors, my spiritual journey, nor any of my sources (historical, spiritual, cultural, archaeological). I condemn these divisive, harmful groups and their false claims about runes, ogham, or any other symbols discussed in my writings.

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