Crow Moon: March 2024

By S.F. Skyheart - March 25, 2024
Crow Moon: March 2024

March's full moon is in Libra today, exact at 2:01 AM CT, and includes the first eclipse of 2024. 

The eclipse will magnify the potency of this full moon, casting a spotlight on relationships and partnerships, especially those that began last October, and particularly if the relationship is unbalanced or unequal. Things that may have seemed uncertain or unimportant may get a closer look and potentially reveal new information that will make things crystal clear. (That's the nice way of saying, "if you know a couple (or work situation) that seems to be in perpetual break up/make up cycles, this moon might bring the drama to a final make or break point.")

Crow energy is creative, vigilant, clairvoyant, and supernatural. A symbol of magick for centuries, crows are highly intelligent and perceptive, earning a mystical reputation for "second sight."

When the moon is in Libra, we may find ourselves focusing on creating better life balance and seeking harmonious interactions with others. It brings out the diplomatic problem solver in us, and makes us want to clean or rearrange our living environment for a calming, welcoming vibe. The Libra full moon connects us with deeper emotions in relationships, and helps us prioritize comfort, peace, and balance in our lives.

The combination of Crow and Libra could make this a good moment to pull some oracle cards for the past, present, and future, or to make a list of pros and cons regarding a relationship or partnership. Whatever you do to connect, listen to your intuition, let it simmer a day or two, and then act on your decision when you're centered and grounded.

A beautiful day to take time for a heart-centered connection with an important relationship in your life (love interest, child/parent, or business partner/coworker are all possibilities). Make room for clear communication and engaged listening to each other's needs and goals. Be intentional with emotional consent (asking if they are available for listening at that moment), and specific with your own healthy boundaries. 

Do what lights you up,

SPECIAL NOTE: I recently opened an online store, and I created a special candle just for this full moon.

A few of you reached out for private readings. I am not currently doing private readings, but I highly recommend Colleen Lemma at Her free weekly and monthly updates are posted on YouTube, and she offers private readings for reasonable rates. I've known her personally for over 25 years.

Blog is for inspirational and entertainment purposes only. 

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