September New Moon 2024

By S.F. Skyheart - September 2, 2024
September New Moon 2024

This month's new moon is exact today at 8:56 PM CT in Virgo. 

A new moon is the start of a new lunar cycle. It broadly represents a clean slate, but when the new moon is in Virgo, it influences this new beginning with practical thinking and reflection on our path thus far. It's a great time to consider what we've brought to fruition and to ask ourselves strategy-oriented questions such as:

What's next?
Where do I want to go from here?
What small steps can I take to reach my bigger goals?
Where can I best put my energy?
What skills do I have or need to get to the next phase?

Take care not to get caught in perfectionism--with yourself or others--as Virgo likes to pay close attention to smaller details and can get overly critical or worry about things that aren't important in the bigger picture.

This is a good time for writing intentions and making actionable lists, healing spells, acts of service and volunteerism, organizing and decluttering, cleansing and clearing the spaces we spend the most time in (work, home, car), and employment/workplace spells. 

Solve one thing at a time, clean one drawer or closet at a time, and allow yourself space and grace between projects. One step, one breath at a time.

Do what lights you up,

My blog is meant for inspirational and entertainment purposes only. 

Content is intended to be welcoming and respectful of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or spiritual beliefs. 

I do not consent to or approve of the misuse of my content in association with white supremacy, racial elitism, nationalism, or any other form of extremism. Any such ignorance has nothing to do with my ancestors, my spiritual journey, nor any of my sources (historical, spiritual, cultural, archaeological). I condemn these divisive, harmful groups and their false claims about runes, ogham, or any other symbols discussed in my writings.

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