Holly: Carnelian

By S.F. Skyheart - May 16, 2024
Holly: Carnelian

Each of the Celtic trees correlates with a crystal or stone. 

The Celtic month of Holly, May 16- June 12, is associated with:

Stone: Carnelian

This crystal is a form of chalcedony and is usually red, orange, or red-brown. It is known to promote courage, healthy sexuality, confidence, letting go of fear and taking action. It stimulates analytical ability, awakens inherent talents, and stimulates creativity, compassion, physical energy, and personal power. It is a lovely stone for actors to carry, as it supports allowing oneself to fully embrace the role.

Like Holly, carnelian is known for its protection qualities, especially against fear, rage, sorrow, and envy. It acts as a shield from naysayers and those who don't support your creative endeavors. It can be used to cleanse other stones of negative or heavy energy. It dispels apathy, low energy, and self-sabotage patterns. It is useful for work with the first, second, third, and fourth chakras. It vibrates to the numbers five and six, and is particularly aligned with Leo, Cancer, and Taurus energy.

Carnelian--especially pink carnelian--is wonderful for bringing stability and peace into your home and safe spaces such as a retreat center, massage or energy work room, community meeting space, or a guest room for someone who has been through recent crisis. It encourages loving communication and healing connection between family members, or between client and caregiver.

If you're feeling drawn to carnelian, you may have felt the need for extra protection or courage recently. This may be a good time to cleanse your space, your stones and healing tools, and any area of your home or safe space that might have heavy energy from someone releasing trauma/pain. You may benefit from wearing it on a necklace to keep it close to your heart, especially if you can't cleanse the space (perhaps it's a shared office or common area). It's a good time to evaluate what you can do to protect your peace and to foster an environment of health, healing, and clear boundaries.

Do what lights you up,

Please note: Some people start the tree calendar with Birch in January, which follows the solar calendar. However, I learned them in an older tradition, which aligns with the 13-month lunar calendar. It's up to you to discern what feels right for you, of course.

See also: 

Taurus 2024
Gemini 2024
Holly May 16 - June 12
Holly: Tinne 
Holly: Tiwaz 
Holly: Oyster
Holly: Green Man
Celtic Tree Months

Check out my new shop!
Windy City Witch: Taurus
Windy City Witch: Gemini
Flower Moon Candle

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Content is intended to be welcoming and respectful of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or spiritual beliefs. 

I do not consent to or approve of the misuse of my content in association with white supremacy, racial elitism, nationalism, or any other form of extremism. Any such ignorance has nothing to do with my ancestors, my spiritual journey, nor any of my sources (historical, spiritual, cultural, archaeological). I condemn these divisive, harmful groups and their false claims about runes, ogham, or any other symbols discussed in my writings, and will pursue legal action if my content is used for such nefarious activity.

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