Aries 2024

By S.F. Skyheart - March 19, 2024
Aries 2024

Happy Birthday, Aries!

Aries are leaders, warriors, initiators, and known for their ability to confront issues head-on. 

Aries sun: Your life purpose is courage. Aries suns are often first in their family or friend circle to dare to lead or to succeed at something that the rest of the group hasn't done yet--ending systemic or familial dysfunctional patterns through therapy breakthroughs, college or trades training, career path, and travel. To others, you may at first seem too honest or self-focused, but it's actually a natural leadership quality that is equal parts optimism and self-confidence. Just remember to protect your inner peace over the need to win at all costs.

Aries moon: You carry a warmth that can guide others and motivate them to chase their dreams. You're at your best when you're close to the edge, high stakes, and you know "you've got this." You need independence and freedom to make your own decisions and learn from your mistakes. You make a passionate and enthusiastic leader whether you're a manager, business owner, personal trainer, tour guide, or an athlete. Just remember to double check safety measures before the adventure begins.

Aries rising: You are likely busy, busy, busy! You're known for having too many irons in the fire and somehow getting it all done without losing steam or second guessing yourself. Independent, enthusiastic, warm, nerves of steel, and sometimes a little too honest, but one of the most loyal friends who will ride or die with the best of us.

Crystals for Aries: fire agate, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, emerald, gypsum, hematite, jade, red jasper, magnesite, magnetite, apache tear obsidian, green opal, stilbite, tektite, imperial topaz, and dravite tourmaline.

Herbs/plants for Aries: ginger, cayenne and chili peppers, yarrow, turmeric, coriander.

Famous Aries: Jackie Chan, Robert Downey Jr, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Reese Witherspoon, Maya Angelou, Robert Frost.

Aries season brings hope, optimism, and supports more consistency and confidence in decision making. This a great time to make a list of your dreams or goals, and then a second list of what you're doing daily--compare the lists and make needed changes to find more satisfaction in life. Speak up and seize opportunities to help others. Express yourself and you'll find quality, authentic voices who share your ideas. Be true to yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. 

Do what lights you up,

See also:
Gorse Day Before Spring Equinox
Ostara 2024

Hawthorn (Huathe) March 21-April 17

Celtic Tree Months

Blog is for inspirational and entertainment purposes only. 

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