March New Moon: Pisces

By S.F. Skyheart - March 10, 2024
March New Moon: Pisces

March's new moon is in Pisces today, exact at 4:00 AM CT.

The new moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle, which supports intention setting and new projects. However, this is also the last new moon of the astrological calendar, so it's an opportunity for a reset if 2024 hasn't gone how you hoped. Use this time to self-reflect and work on releasing any old emotional wounds.

With the new moon in Pisces and the astrological new year coming in a little over a week, this is a wonderful time to get into creative flow to envision the next year.

Water magick is potent now, so a healing bath or a good foot soak may be helpful to release the last year and prepare for what's ahead.

To tap into the inspiration of this Pisces new moon, create a vision board, journal, or paint. Divination, cord cutting, and spellwork for finding lost items can be especially aligned with the energy now.

Do what lights you up,

Blog is for inspirational and entertainment purposes only. 

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