Vine: Mannaz
Each of the Celtic trees correlates with a Rune. Runes are a twenty-four letter alphabet, originating with Germanic tribes as early as the 2nd century. Runic glyphs were carved or etched into bone, wood, leather, jewelry, tools, weapons, and stone. Norse and Viking runic artifacts dating as far back as the 9th century have been found in several Northern European and Scandinavian countries, Russia, Turkey and North America. Notably, runes found in Canada and the United States pre-date Columbus by several hundred years, so he was definitely not the first visitor.
The Celtic month of Vine, July 11 - August 7, is associated with:
Rune: Mannaz
Mannaz is the starting point: the Self. A strong relationship to your Self is key, now more than ever, as from self-love flows all possible connections and relationships. Within the vine (self), its very essence is water, so this is a time to take extra care with hydration and to do sacred work with water.
Keep yourself receptive, open, and ever listening to your inner guidance. Steady yourself on that which remains through life's ebb and flow, your strongest support that never falters. Mannaz signals a time of significant growth and with it, some necessary pruning. During this period of growth, remain vigilant of weeds--people or situations who may not be intentionally harmful but perhaps not meant to be part of your field.
An interesting observation involves taking Mannaz and splitting it down the middle, which reveals the Rune of Wunjo (Joy) with its reflection. This shows that with the right conditions (water, sun, rest, support, and pruning) your vine will indeed experience balance and bear fruit after this period of rapid growth. There were two phrases written over the gateway to the ancient temple at Delphi: Know Thyself and Nothing in excess. Take this time to cultivate your inner knowing, self-trust, and self-love.
Do what lights you up,
Please note: Some people start the tree calendar with Birch in January, which follows the solar calendar. However, I learned them in an older tradition, which aligns with the 13-month lunar calendar. It's up to you to discern what feels right for you, of course.
Lammas: Festival of Bread
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Windy City Witch: Cancer
Windy City Witch: Leo
Windy City Witch: Summer
Windy City Witch: Lammas
Author of The Recollection of Trees book series. Fifth generation intuitive. Kitchen witch. she/her.