Year of the Wood Dragon

By S.F. Skyheart - February 10, 2024
Year of the Wood Dragon

Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate!

It's the Year of the Dragon, and more specifically, Wood Dragon (sometimes translated as Tree Dragon).

For those born under the sign of Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024) this is an especially auspicious and abundant time. Dragons represent strong and benevolent leadership. This is the year of good fortune, prosperity, and speaking truth to power.

The combination of the element of wood and dragon energy has the potential to fuel our greater purpose and passions this year. May we focus on positive and lasting change through humanitarian efforts (especially in global conflict hotspots), ecological stewardship and solution-seeking, and social justice causes. Use your voice to amplify others' who may be weary or need your support. It's a great time to volunteer locally, or to start a non-profit or business that aims at a creative solution to a community issue.

On the personal level, trees need water to grow and thrive, so many of us may need to be more mindful of staying hydrated this year. Wood also fuels fire, which can provide warmth and light, or it can burn and scorch. Combined with the energy of Dragon, we may feel the urging to speak out on issues close to our heart, but may need to practice pausing before speaking (or commenting online) to avoid igniting a fire that burns bridges between friends or family. 

This will be a good year to use fire in both the sacred and the practical, and to observe regular quiet moments to be present, appreciate our blessings, and maintain our serenity. We should take great care with our use of fire (especially in areas prone to wildfires), triple checking that we've extinguished the candle or campfire before leaving the area.

It has the potential to be a year of cooperative, positive change that helps us all find more common ground, peace, and unity.

Do what lights you up,


Blog is for inspirational and entertainment purposes only. 

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