By S.F. Skyheart - May 7, 2024
May's new moon is in Taurus, exact today at 10:24 PM CT. The Taurus new moon supports intentions, goals, and aspirations that manifest tangibly, especially for finances. It's an opportunity for evaluating and organizing your budget, and for calling in a new income source. Above all, the new moon in Taurus brings clarity about anything and everything you're attracting into your life so that you can make choices that are in alignment with you, and release any stagnant habits.It's a beautiful moment to catch your breath from the pace of life and to savor what you've accomplished. Sometimes we forget to ...
By S.F. Skyheart - May 5, 2024
The Celtic month of Hawthorn, March 21 - April 17, is associated with: Symbol: Unicorn According to The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck, UNICORN represents reconnecting to higher wisdom or divinity. The unicorn card appears to "wake us up" to curiosity about higher self and the divine. It is a card of questioning, exploring, and contemplating the inexplicable. The mind's eye knows there is something beyond everyday life, a deeper dimension to our experiences, and it reaches out to grasp something more. You are the unicorn, and you have begun your quest for answers. This card is connected to the third ...
By S.F. Skyheart - May 1, 2024
Beltane tidings, friends!Beltane bonfires and May Day festivals are held on this day (in the Northern Hemisphere) to mark the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Among the many Beltane traditions, perhaps the most common is the May Pole. Celebrants attach red and white ribbons to the top of a pole or a straight growing tree. Dancers circle the tree, weaving the ribbons around and to the ground as a symbol of fertility. I've previously mentioned that I have my grandma’s recipe for goat’s milk cream pie, which she made every year for May 1, along ...
By S.F. Skyheart - April 30, 2024
Happy Birthday, Taurus readers! Taurus friends are known for their practical, earthy, steady nature, and often apply creativity to elevate the mundane, such as interior design, fashion, baking/cooking, or music/art education.TAURUS SUN: Your life purpose is to savor the moment and to step out of your comfort zone regularly. You’re often so immersed in your experience that those around you stop to appreciate it too. You work hard, but you require consistent time off to enjoy your world. You’re naturally tenacious and resourceful, which sometimes leads to stubbornness, getting stuck in routines, or unnecessary penny pinching. Remember that appreciation for things ...
By S.F. Skyheart - April 23, 2024
April's full moon is in Scorpio today, exact at 6:51 PM CT. The full moon is the midpoint in the lunar cycle, which makes it a good time to release energies that no longer feel in alignment with us, allowing them to fade away as the moon darkens towards the new moon. The full moon can also function like a spotlight on things previously unknown or hidden, especially when it is in Scorpio. This may be an emotionally intense period, potentially shedding light on situations that need more attention or clarity, especially relationships and finances. It is for the best, as ...
By S.F. Skyheart - April 18, 2024
According to the Celtic Tree Calendar, the period from April 18 - May 15 is Oak.The Latin species name for oak is robur, which means "robust," and in Celtic Astrology they are indeed revered for their strength. Oak trees grow about one inch per year, ranging 35 to more than 100 feet tall, with a wide, sturdy trunk. They reach maturity at about 75 years, with an average life span of 150-250 years, but some of the oldest oaks are over 1000 years old. They are among the most resilient and widespread trees on Earth. (There is a 300+year old oak ...
By S.F. Skyheart - April 18, 2024
The names of the Celtic tree months come from some of the letters of the Ogham. The Ogham is an ancient alphabet believed to have originated in the 4th century (possibly as early as the 1st) in what is now the southwest region of Ireland. The Celtic month of Oak, April 18 - May 15, is associated with:Ogham: Duir – (doo-er) represents strength, resilience, protection, grounding, fertility, spring, survival, longevity, magickal thresholds and mystical doorways, ancestry (familial and spiritual), tree of life (in some mythology), and ancient knowledge.The energy of Duir is self-empowerment and knowing whose shoulders we stand upon. If not for ...
By S.F. Skyheart - April 18, 2024
Each of the Celtic trees correlates with a Rune. Runes are a twenty-four letter alphabet, originating with Germanic tribes as early as the 2nd century. Runic glyphs were carved or etched into bone, wood, leather, jewelry, tools, weapons, and stone. Norse and Viking runic artifacts dating as far back as the 9th century have been found in several Northern European and Scandinavian countries, Russia, Turkey and North America. Notably, runes found in Canada and the United States pre-date Columbus by several hundred years, so he was definitely not the first visitor.The Celtic month of Oak, April 18 - May 15, ...
By S.F. Skyheart - April 18, 2024
Each of the Celtic trees correlates with a crystal or stone. The Celtic month of Oak, April 18 - May 15, is associated with: Stone: Herkimer Diamond Herkimer diamonds are a unique type of quartz crystals, not diamonds. They form as double-terminated (points on both ends) short, stout, and clear or included prismatic crystals. They were discovered in the late 18th century within exposed outcrops of dolomite in Herkimer County and the Mohawk River Valley of New York. Double-terminated quartzes are also found in Mexico, Spain, and Tanzania, but to be called a "Herkimer diamond" the crystal must come from Herkimer, NY. This crystal ...
By S.F. Skyheart - April 18, 2024
Each of the Celtic trees correlates with an animal symbol. The Celtic month of Oak, April 18 - May 15, is associated with: Animal: Bull According to Celtic mythology, bull embodies strength and abundant good fortune. They are gentle, calm, and cooperative most of the time, but experience moodiness and stubbornness. You cannot push a cow (Bull) if it doesn't want to move. Sometimes, if they're provoked, they'll charge ahead and leave a path of destruction and mayhem in their wake. This may be the origin of two popular sayings about bulls: 1. He charged like a bull in a ...

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