Willow: Moonstone

By S.F. Skyheart - February 6, 2024
Willow: Moonstone

Each of the Celtic trees correlates with a crystal or stone. 

The Celtic month of Willow, January 24- February 20, is associated with:

Stone: Moonstone

This crystal amplifies intuition and connection with divine feminine energy. It is wonderful for helping to balance and stabilize mood. It pairs well with Scorpio, Cancer, and Libra energies, and vibrates to the number 4.

There are several types of moonstone, each with the above qualities and the following additional properties:

gray moonstone: helps with clairvoyance, clears and amplifies intention and manifestation.

peach moonstone: calms anxiety, assists with detachment and peace of mind within worrisome situations, smooths new beginnings and transitions, helps with taking action from a heart centered space.

pink moonstone: the gentlest form of moonstone, helps channel the nurturing divine feminine into loving self-care and self-forgiveness, magnifies romance.

rainbow moonstone: focuses the mind on peaceful solutions and boosts trust in inner voice.

tourmalinated rainbow moonstone: intuition booster, stress soother, and exceptional tool for clearing and blocking negativity. 

If you're feeling drawn to moonstone, consider that you may need to clear some stagnant or heavy energy from physical spaces where you spend a lot of your time, such as your office or desk, car, or bedroom. If it's not possible to keep distance from drama at work, keeping moonstone on your desk can help soothe your nerves and clear your area.

Do what lights you up,

Please note: Some people start the tree calendar with Birch in January, which follows the solar calendar. However, I learned them in an older tradition, which aligns with the 13-month lunar calendar. It's up to you to discern what feels right for you, of course.

See also: 

Willow January 24-February 20
Aquarius 2024
Willow: Saille
Willow: Sowelo
Willow: Swan
Imbolc: Spring is Near
Celtic Tree Months

Blog is for inspirational and entertainment purposes only. 

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